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The first principle of the TLC Covid Response Plan states that the health and well-being of members and neighbors, especially those most at risk, will guide all decisions. But we also know gathering together in worship is essential to who we are as the body of Christ. Given the current decline in Covid infection risk, the vaccine rate, and the onset of vaccinations among children 5 years and under, the TLC Church Council is changing our masking policy. ​


As of June 28th, 2022, face coverings are recommended but not required.  Please be respectful of one another’s preference and decision regarding masks. We still ask you, out of an abundance of care, to provide a safe distance when worshipping in person.


What does this mean for you?

  • You are encouraged, but not required, to wear a mask when you are in the building.

  • Please be sensitive to the needs of those around you. 

  • TLC will continue to offer communion both at the altar and, individually, in your pew with the communion kits 

  • TLC will continue to encourage a Covid-safe “Passing of the Peace.”

  • Hospitality will still take place outdoors during the summer and when the city/county risk is “high” (the risk is currently medium)

  • Because Covid-19 is primarily spread through vapor, we are asking those who want to sing congregational hymns to mask during the hymns only or to hum along.


Other impacts:
TLC staff present during worship will continue masking when interacting with members. We are also asking choirs, musicians, and bell choir to mask during their worship leadership. TLC small groups that meet in the building will be asked to meet in spaces with better and more open areas of ventilation and to continue to socially distance.
While online worship remains an option, we want to create as safe as environment as possible so you can come back to in person worship as we move into the summer and look to the fall. The TLC Covid Response team will continue to evolve its policy recommendations as the virus and mitigation efforts evolve. Thanks for your continuing support of this work.

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