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Interested in Getting Connected at TLC?


We welcome new members every spring. Check out our Facebook for the next date!

If you are interested in making TLC your church home, we encourage you to take part in a new member class, but you can join anytime during the year through conversation with Pastor Elise. Members commit to worshiping regularly, supporting financially at whatever level is appropriate for them, and sharing of themselves through volunteering time, talent and energy.

Membership is not about joining a club. TLC is a faith community shaped by the desire for authentic relationship and every person’s need for unconditional love. We believe that God’s love is unconditional and freely available to all. Might God be calling you into deeper relationship?  



This is a great option for those who worship at more than one church or can’t be at TLC in person as much as they would like. Associate members includes those who worship via livestream.


To explore ways to connect at TLC and find fellowship, visit the Ministries section on this site.

To inquire further about membership please fill out this form. A pastor will be in touch with you. 

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