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Dear Transfiguration Members,


In all that has transpired during the many transitions in our life together, we have worked hard to look at who we are and what God is calling us to be as we live into God’s promise of New Life. We have committed to New Life Together with a new Vision and Mission to guide us.


Our church building and land at the corner of 110th and France is a gathering place and visible sign to the community of God’s presence. Here we gather in Christian faith. The Holy Spirit continues to shape and form us “like living stones” into a “spiritual house” to be used for God’s purposes. As a congregation you have tended to this gift of place in many ways.


Eighteen years ago, when the church building was most recently renovated to create more office space, an expanded kitchen, a larger fellowship hall, and lower level classrooms, the church established a “Building Fund” to pay for the project. Every few years, we issue an appeal to raise the funds needed to pay for our mortgage and attend to building needs as they arise. We call this appeal a Capital Campaign. It typically raises approximately 25% of our annual budget. It is separate from and in addition to our annual Stewardship Pledge Drive in the fall which accounts for about 70% of our annual funding for congregational ministry. TLC Members are asked to prayerfully consider how they can support each of these separate funding streams.


We are writing you now to request your support for our new Capital Campaign. It will be in effect from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025. The goal, as approved by congregational vote at the January 2022 Annual Meeting, is to raise $600,000 over 3 years. These funds will allow two things to happen:

  1. $300,000 will be used to make minimum payments on our outstanding mortgage

  2. $300,000 will be used to make necessary building upgrades and repairs

We have an additional appeal in this Campaign. Essential building repairs are likely to exceed the $300,000 budgeted. It is our hope that some of this work will be done by members of TLC. We appeal to all congregation members to donate time, talent, and energy in addition to their financial pledge.


May God bless you even as you are a blessing to your church community.

Your companions in faith,

The TLC Finance Team:

Karen Bonertz, Dan Larkin, Norma Macdonald-Ockwig, Bob Riley, Chip Smith, Terry Bonertz, Treasurer, Nancy Waldack, Financial Administrator, and Pastor Elise Pokel

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